
Izdavačka delatnost grupe arhitekata

Dobrodošli u biblioteku publikacija Grupe arhitekata. Sva naša izdanja možete preuzimati besplatno. 

Summer School of Architecture 2022

Publication of the results of the Summer School of Architecture in Rogljevo in 2022.

Summer School of Architecture 2023

Publication of the result of the Summer School of Architecture Rogljevo 2023
Summer School of Architecture 2021

Publication of the results of the Summer School of Architecture in Rogljevo and Rajac in 2021.

Letnja škola arhitekture 2020

Publikacija sa rezultatima rada na Letnjoj školi arhitekture Rogljevo 2020.

Summer School of Architecture Rogljevo 2018

Photo album of the Summer School of Architecture in Rogljevo 2018.

Summer School of Architecture Bač 2017

Booklet with the results of the Summer School of Architecture in Bač in 2017.